Estate Planning & Asset Protection

A robust estate plan is the cornerstone of the preservation and growth of wealth in real estate. The nature and design of estate planning and taxation is unforgiving — it is such that investors have little to benefit and much to lose from foregoing action. Estate planning is designed to reward early, considerate planning and penalize a lack thereof.

The primary factors in distinguishing between those who are most successful in maximizing tax savings, avoiding unnecessary and expensive procedures such as probate, protecting their assets and ultimately preserving their hard earned real estate investments is how early they chose to begin planning  and the competency of their estate planner's guidance.

For the vast majority of even relatively wealthy clients, proper estate planning may require surprisingly little work relative to its extraordinary consequences. We offer comprehensive estate planning, including: wills and trusts, corporate formation, national and international tax planning, probate and estate administration.

Ultimately, preserving and protecting your real estate investment is as important as procuring it. We assist our clients in this lifelong process but facilitating the smooth transition of real estate assets through generations.

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